Woman Walks In On Her Dad Napping With All The Neighbor Dogs
Catey Hall frequently finds her father asleep on the sofa when she pays him a visit. Hall’s father, on the other hand, never sleeps alone; dogs from all around the neighborhood join him in a giant comfy pile.
“Dad sees, plays with, and naps with one or more of these dogs on a daily basis,” Hall told The Dodo. “When they see his car, they approach him and follow him inside.”
Hall’s father, Lon Watson, has always loved dogs and works with the local rescue Pound on the Hill to ensure that all animals receive the care they need.

“For as long as I can remember, my father has helped stray dogs,” Hall continued. “When I was a youngster, we always had a dog.” However, there was always room for a wanderer in need.

There’s room for a few more now that he and his wife are living alone. Many work with local rescue groups to find homes for needy dogs; nevertheless, not all dogs are re-homed, and many remain with Dad for the rest of their lives.”

Watson lives with four dogs that he and his wife rescued and rehabilitated.
Hooch, Fluffer-Nutter, and Rosie, who all live nearby and have a special affinity with Watson, make him frequent visits.

The neighboring dogs are happy to wait all day for some one-on-one time with Watson. “The neighborhood is in an unstructured semi-rural Alabama region.” “The dogs may safely bounce from house to home because the houses are set back from the street,” Hall noted. “The dogs usually come racing to meet my father’s truck as it approaches the driveway.”