Almost every property has fencing of some kind. Whether it’s a full boundary fence, a front fence, a side fence, or a pool fence, chances are your property has one too.

In many ways, we simply take fences for granted. But have you ever stopped to think about why fences are so important?

If you do, you may find that fencing has many advantages. Better still, it may have many advantages that have never occurred to you before.

So let’s take a closer look at these benefits, and the types of fencing that can enhance your property.

Of all fences, boundary fences are perhaps one of the most popular. Boundary fences are named that way because they encompass your property; they follow its entire boundary.

In doing so, boundary fences clearly delineate your property from surrounding ones. But why, exactly, is that important? After all, you own what you own – no fence will change that.

That might be true, but marking the boundaries of your property with a fence can help reduce conflict between you and your neighbours.

With a fence following your boundary precisely, there can be no question as to which side of the property a tree is growing, for example.

There is also less likely to be accidental encroachments into your property. In short, fences are a visual reminder of where other properties end, and where yours begins.
























Credit: Pinterest
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