Vacation homes are the pinnacle of relaxation. If you want to get away for a while, your resort in paradise will provide the ideal getaway for a few days, weeks, or however long you stay.

Most people design their vacation home as a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life back home.

They want to pretend their regular worlds don’t exist for a while, so they prioritize privacy in their design. For the exterior, this plan means building the house where others can’t easily access it.

Or you may want a property where the closest neighbor is miles down the road.

There are plenty of ways you can create privacy in the interior of a home. If only two people are in the house, then privacy may be a lower priority.

But if you have kids or invite guests, you can make proper arrangements. Try separating the bedrooms from places with the most commotion, such as the living room and outdoor areas.

Vacation homes are popular because they’re a spot in paradise you can have to yourself. Crafting the house is half the fun because you can tailor it to your liking as much as possible.































