The buffalo with a broken leg challenged three brave lions before succumbing to their brutality.

Watch the tragic moment of a buffalo injured in the leg when being cornered by 3 male lions. Field’s 40-year-old guide, Jan Kriel, leaves no room for error when it comes to capturing incredible footage of wildlife in the wild!

He shared the sight of 3 male lions taking down a female buffalo and excitedly told me it was one of the most amazing sightings he has ever had!

We had guests leaving that morning, and seeing a buffalo was their last request. I already knew where the buffalo was, so I brought the guest over right away.

One lion began stalking from the rocks, behind the buffalo, while the other two made the female aware of their presence by pursuing them from the front.

It was only when the buffalo got up to run and fend for itself that we noticed that it had broken its front leg, which is why it was alone and not grazing with the rest of the herd.



The large male lion attacked and rammed the buffalo in an instant, then the whole herd ran after to brutally gut the buffalo. At this point, we did not dare to continue watching because we loved the buffalo too much.

Buffaloes are good at fighting, but lions are beyond their ability, especially with broken front legs. The lions ended Christmas with a buffalo meal for dinner.