Compassionate Truck Drivers Rescue Thirsty Baby Elephant That Appeared Unexpectedly

Some truck drivers were making their way through Botswana when a baby elephant suddenly appeared out of the bushes by the side of the road. The drivers from AfriAg transport company in Johannesburg, South Africa stopped due to a downed bridge in their path when the animal showed up. The men immediately realized that the elephant was terribly thirsty. They let the baby animal drink out of one of their own bottles, and started scanning the horizon for the elephant’s mother and his herd. Unfortunately, he was all by himself…

The drivers put the animal into their truck, and, once the bridge was fixed, dropped him off at at the nearest sanctuary. “According to our information, the baby was taken to Botswana Elephant Sanctuary,” Paul Oxton, founder and director of Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation, told The Dodo. “In our opinion Botswana as a whole has one of the most remarkable, ethical and compassionate wildlife conservation strategies in the world… Because of the efficacy of the nationwide strategy, we trust that this baby will get the very best treatment and care possible.”

More info: Facebook (h/t: thedodo)

Some truck drivers were driving through Botswana when a baby elephant appeared out of the bushes

The men realized that the elephant was thirsty. They let the baby animal drink out of one of their own bottles…

And started scanning the horizon for the elephant’s mother and his herd

He was by himself… So they took him to the rescue sanctuary where this fellow is safe and sound now

Watch the video here: