“Golden Tomb in Xinjiang – Reviving ancient history”

Today, as the path to finding historical relics opens, impressive mysterious discoveries have shed light on the pages of ancient history. In Xinjiang, a small town located at the intersection of Ai Uyurgou and Alagou, the archaeological team discovered an ancient, mysterious and special tomb, called the “Golden Tomb”.

The mystery of the tomb owner’s skull

This tomb was buried more than 2000 years ago, raising many questions. When archaeologists opened the coffin, they not only discovered 85 other ancient tombs, but also witnessed a unique and horrifying image: the skull of the tomb’s owner was punctured, as if pierced by a bullet. via. through.

However, this strange thing was decoded when experts discovered that the hole in the skull was the result of “craniotomies” surgery, a typical method of ancient Chinese nomads. when they face headaches.

Explore a cave full of people

The tomb not only attracts attention because of the strange wound on the skull but also because of the mystery hidden inside. When opening the door to Chu Nguyen Chuong’s daughter’s tomb, the archaeological team was stunned to discover that there was someone alive inside! This created an even greater mystery when entering the tomb of eunuch Ly Lien Anh, the archaeological team encountered a haunting and horrifying scene inside the coffin.

“Golden tomb” and treasure discovered

Initially, discoveries in this area did not bring much hope. However, an ancient tomb changed everything. The large size of the tomb, about 6.56 meters long, 4.22 meters wide and 7.1 meters deep, contains an unparalleled treasure. More than 200 gold artifacts along with other precious products such as a lion-shaped metal plate weighing nearly a ton have created miracles.

Identity of the tomb owner

The magic lies not only in the quantity and quality of the artifacts but also in the identity of the female owner of the tomb. Through analysis and research, experts have determined that this female tomb owner, who died at the age of about 30, may have been the daughter or princess of the chief of the Saka tribe, a designated tribe. The history of the area dates back more than 2000 years.


With these findings, the “Golden Tomb” in Xinjiang is not only an archaeological discovery but also a window to the mysterious stories of ancient civilizations. What brought the female tomb owner back to modern times with golden burial items and bullet-like holes in her skull? These questions continue to turn the “Golden Tomb” into a living museum of prosperity and mystery in ancient history.