Calm down, bro! A cranky elephant decided to splash cold water on a buffalo when it got too close for comfort.

An irritated elephant decided to douse a buffalo bull with cold water when it got a little too close for comfort.

The wildlife creature was relaxing in the Kruger National Park in South Africa with its family by a small pool of water when the bull approached – much to the elephant’s annoyance.

In a gesture captured on camera, the African elephant squirts the bull with water stored up its trunk to get it to leave, but misses its target.


The frustrated elephant attempts to squirt water on the bull which has wandered too close for comfort

Its young elephant cozies up to its parent for protection, as the bull drinks from a small pool of water


The large elephant keeps an eye on the bull as they move away, guarding its young which walks in its shadow

Not to be beaten, the huge creature then begins to size up the bull, which is clearly unperturbed by the actions of the elephant and carries on drinking.


The amazing images were taken in the historic park, which opened in 1898 to help protect the wildlife of South Africa.

According to the Kruger National Park website, the area is home to 147 different types of mammals, 507 birds, 114 reptiles and 34 amphibians.

Water drips down from the elephant’s trunk, after it attempted to douse the buffalo bull that came too close

Taking a swing: The elephant rounds on the bull, which keeps its head and horns down as it passes