Jager, an impressive mix of Great Dane and Saint Bernard, initially sought refuge at Idaho Saint Bernard Rescue when his owner could no longer care for him due to personal circumstances. Adopted by a loving family, Jager thrived until debilitating separation anxiety surfaced, leading to destructive behavior.
Source: The Asher House
Despite dedicated training, it became evident that Jager’s well-being hinged on a pack environment. Fortunately, fate led him to “The Asher House,” a sanctuary nestled in Oregon, run by Lee Asher, renowned for his compassionate care of rescued animals.
Source: The Asher House
Recognizing Jager’s need for a pack, the Idaho shelter reached out to Asher, who graciously welcomed him into his expansive sanctuary. Jager’s arrival marked a new chapter as he joined Asher’s diverse canine family.
Source: The Asher House
Life at The Asher House introduced Jager to a multitude of furry companions, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. Despite the initial adjustment, Jager’s demeanor reflected a sense of calm amid the new surroundings.
Asher emphasized the unique challenges faced by large dogs like Jager, particularly regarding separation anxiety. He stressed the importance of understanding and accommodating their needs, advocating for patience and enrichment activities.
Source: The Asher House
As Jager continues his journey at The Asher House, surrounded by a supportive pack and endless opportunities for growth, his story serves as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and companionship.