During a father and son’s mountaintop treasure hunting adventure, a 5-year-old boy accidentally finds a surprising “real treasure” dating back an astonishing 500 million years.

Upon reaching the mountain’s summit after an exhilarating journey, Mr. Duong encountered a peculiar-looking large stone slab. Intrigued by its appearance, he investigated further and speculated it might be a fossil. To make the experience more exciting, he decided to engage his son in a game of “treasure digging.”
Con trai anh Dương tìm kiếm

Duong’s son searches for “treasure” with his father. (Sina photo)

Though initially not expecting much, within mere minutes, the young boy exclaimed, “Dad, I found it!

Rushing over, Mr. Duong was astonished to discover delicate patterns within the stone slab. Drawing from his experience in mountain climbing, he quickly captured images and shared them on social media, hoping for validation from experts.

Vốn dĩ tưởng đây chỉ là một trò chơi, nào ngờ cậu bé tìm thấy hóa thạch cổ sinh vật học. (Ảnh Sina)

Originally thought this was just a game, he unexpectedly found a paleontological fossil. (Sina photo)

The following day, Professor Guo Ying from the Institute of Geology and Paleontology at Linyi University confirmed the finding as a paleontological fossil. Dating back over 500 million years to the Cambrian or Ordovician strata, it belonged to the trilobite family, a classic arthropod. Similar fossils had been unearthed in various regions around Lam Nghi, including Jinan, Weifang, Nhat Chieu, and Lai Vu.

Initially perceived as a mere game, the unexpected discovery of a paleontological fossil filled Mr. Duong with joy. He hadn’t anticipated that their mountain climbing expedition would yield such a remarkable “treasure” for him and his son.

The online community shared in Mr. Duong’s excitement, congratulating him and expressing hope that his son’s newfound discovery might ignite a passion for archaeology.