The Kenyan Wildlife Preservation Center’s employees saved a baby elephant . She is a girl and her name is Loijuk. The baby calf was left alone without the assistance of larger elephants and nearly passed away.

Loyjuk was hungry and thirsty when she arrived at the folks. The infant was unable to walk on her own. People helped her, and when she recovered, they handed her to family.
Loyjuk did not forget that she had been rescued by kind people. She arrived to the reserve’s land, where the animal conservation center is placed. Its personnel have always been welcoming to their area.

A 14-year-old elephant returned to humans last October. She wasn’t alone this day, though. Loydzhuk arrived with her daughter, Lily. The infant was really little.
The elephant mom greeted Benjamin Kialo, the center’s main caregiver. Loyjuk not only permitted him to touch his daughter, but also to blow in his trunk – this is how the center’s personnel “introduce” the animals with their scent. The elephant mother presumably intended to show off her young as well as those who would assist Lily in the event of danger.

The elephants then walked away. They did, however, dwell near the people. As part of a herd of elephants, Loyjuk and Lily reside on the reserve’s land, where his personnel can keep an eye on them and nurse them when necessary.