An in-depth understanding of the site and its characteristics was the starting point for the design of this home. The design evolved to harness local breeze patterns and capitalise on northern light for advantageous winter solar gain.

The resulting ‘L’ shape, addresses the desirable northern orientation, harbouring a courtyard that enjoys breezes and views through the house.

The slender elongated living platform, positioned along the southern edge of the site, allows generous light penetration and the narrow girth facilitates cross ventilation.

Pedestrian entry takes precedence as one arrives along a crafted brick path that rises from the street level to the front entry.

The gentle arc of the brick wall that frames and grounds the deck, reflects the contours of the land and provides a welcoming arrival. Through the use of large windows and doors, moving about the home becomes a joyous engagement with landscape.

The incorporation of well-considered passive design principles means that air-conditioning is rarely required.

The quality of light that permeates the home and a transparency of spaces celebrate the ambiguous distinction between interior and exterior, resulting in a curated calmness within the architecture.

The earthy tonality of the brickwork was carefully selected to reflect the colours of the land. Sustainably and locally sourced blackbutt timber is used in key areas where it provides textural warmth.











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