And guess what happened? The dog managed to save itself!
There is an abundance of jokes, and even plot points in children’s television shows, that revolve around firefighters rescuing cats. Usually, the cat is helpless and stuck in a tree; the cat is probably trembling and afraid to come down.
Honestly, it kind of seems like cats are misrepresented in that way, I mean, have these writers ever met a cat? If a cat is stuck up a tree it is probably because it’s refusing to come down, not because it is afraid to and honestly if you were hanging out in a tree, having people shout at you would probably annoy you too.
What features less in these type of stories is dogs needing to be rescued. Usually, dogs are the ones alerting everyone else about danger, or they manage to solve the problem in a way that only a dog can: loyal, tough, and adorable.
Now this isn’t supposed to be a breakdown of stereotypes surrounding dogs and cats in children’s media and the implications this has on wider society (but also, it’s an interesting point, right?). Instead, the story is about the ingenuity of animals, who managed to get themselves into and out of, some pretty tough situations.
This is a miraculous story where not only does a dog need to be rescued, but, once given the tools, the dog also ends up rescuing itself.
Being a firefighter is a hard job. You come across terrifying situtions day in and day out.
Often, firefighters run into LITERAL burning buildings in order to save people, with little thought for their own personal safety. So sometimes, it must be nice to have a lower-risk, less scary job: like this one, a dog stuck in a well.
Firefighters in Brazil were called to a well. When they got there, they discovered that a dog was stuck at the bottom.
Now, these firefighters must have had some sort of premonition, that this was a very special dog, and lo and behold, the firefighters were right: this is a very special and clever dog. Rather than trying to lower themselves down the well, they decided to lower a rope down instead.

The firefighters decided to lower the rope down the well, and see if the dog could save itself. Luckily, the dog did!
After struggling around for a little bit, the dog managed to climb into the rope and get lifted to safety. Truly it is a really incredible video: if it wasn’t so random you might even think that the dog regularly found itself stuck in deep holes and being rescued in such a way because the dog kind of makes it look easy!
This dog just about qualifies as his own superhero.
You kind of like to think that if the rope had been left there, the dog would have managed to get out of his own accord, and be on its merry way as if nothing had gone wrong. Obviously, we will never know whether this dog could have rescued itself, so we should all be pretty grateful that the firefighters were there are back up.
There are so many stories out there of dogs managing to rescue themselves.
We’re so used to seeing them as adorable little pets, that we forget that they were not always spoilt creatures who have specific dietary requirements, wear jumpers when it gets cold, and have severe preferences for the kind of toys that they get to play with!
Nope, dogs were not always domesticated animals and they used to have incredible natural instincts. It’s pretty safe to say that stores like these really make you remember that wild dogs are hunters with insane survival skills.
There is that expression that teaches a moral lesson, “give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” That expression can be twisted into some kind of “Give a dog a rope and he’ll manage to rescue himself!”
Of course, a massive shout-out deserves to go to the firefighters who, and I have no doubt, would have gone down that dangerous-looking well to pull the dog out. Luckily, the dog managed to rescue itself, and save them all a whole lot of trouble!