In a serendipitous turn of events, a group of well diggers in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka, stumbled upon a monumental discovery that has sent shockwaves through the gem industry. Nestled in the backyard of a private residence, the unassuming ground yielded a treasure beyond imagination – a colossal block of blue sapphire, aptly named the “Serendipity Sapphire”.
The displayed sapphire block has attracted the attention of experts and people.
The 310kg block of stone is considered the largest blue sapphire in the world.
Reports flooding in from local media outlets indicate that this stunning gemstone, weighing a staggering 310 kilograms, has been dubbed the “Queen of Asia” by experts in the field. Sri Lanka, renowned for its rich gemological heritage, has once again solidified its position as a titan in the world of precious stones.
According to statements released by country officials on December 13th, the unearthed sapphire block is currently housed in a laboratory owned by the National Gem and Jewelry Authority. The process of excavation and verification has been a meticulous one, spanning over a year to ensure the authenticity and value of this remarkable find.
Mr. Gamage, a gemstone businessman residing in Ratnapura, recounted the accidental discovery, emphasizing the sheer luck that led to the unearthing of this gemstone behemoth. It took diligent efforts and months of meticulous cleaning to reveal the true splendor of the Serendipity Sapphire, with experts still assessing the quality and quantity of the gemstones within.
Experts speculate that the market value of this exceptional find could soar up to $100 million, making it one of the most valuable gemstones ever discovered.
Thilak Weerasinghe, president of the Sri Lanka National Gem and Jewelry Association, expressed optimism regarding the newfound sapphire’s potential to revitalize the industry. With its unprecedented size and value, the Serendipity Sapphire is poised to attract interest from private collectors and museums worldwide.
Ratnapura, often referred to as the “City of Gems”, has long been celebrated for its prolific production of high-quality gemstones. This latest discovery further solidifies its status as a gemological hub, adding to the illustrious lineage of precious finds unearthed in the region.
The stone block was found in the backyard of a family selling gemstones in July.
As Sri Lanka continues to assert its dominance in the global gem market, the discovery of the Serendipity Sapphire serves as a testament to the country’s enduring legacy as a treasure trove of precious stones. With its vibrant hues and unparalleled beauty, this remarkable gemstone promises to captivate enthusiasts and collectors for generations to come.