An exciting news brightened our day with the birth of a male Sumatran elephant at the Elephant Training Center (PLG) Line 21, Padang Sugihan Wildlife Reserve, on Friday (18/6).
The PLG paramedics, led by Nur Siddiq and supported by drh. Erni Suyanti (BKSDA Bengkulu Lampung), together with the mahout and forest police from the Region XV Conservation Resort, handled and examined the baby elephant and its mother.
The good news is that the results of the physical examination stated that the baby elephant was in good health. Medical measures have been taken to apply antiseptic to the umbilical cord to prevent infection, while the mother elephant, “Sabana”, was given supplements to stimulate her body after giving birth and maintain stamina. Savannah also shows the nature of beauty towards her children.
“Thank you for taking care of my mother, “Sabana”, so that I could be born normal and healthy. “I want to immediately learn to run, swim and many other things in the wilderness of Padang Sugihan as our current natural habitat,” said the baby elephant.
This birth is proof that nature conservation is not just a job, but a calling chosen by God. We must be grateful and work hard, intelligently and sincerely to preserve natural resources, giving them back as best we can to future generations.

With the beautiful name “Savanna”, this baby elephant is a hope and inspiration for our efforts to preserve biodiversity, because our work is not only for today, but also for a better future.