Majestic Moments: Rare daytime footage captures a newborn elephant’s first steps and the high excitement of a herd of elephants in Chobi National Park (Video)

In a stroke of incredible luck and timing, Christian and Ginette Leroy found themselves witnessing a remarkable event during their visit to Chobi National Park in Botswana. The couple captured rare daytime footage of an elephant preparing to take its first steps, an awe-inspiring celebration of life. Their generosity in sharing this extraordinary moment has allowed the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to post it online, giving the world a glimpse into the touching scene.

The Most Protected Baby in the World:

As the footage unfolds, one can’t help but marvel at the extraordinary level of protection surrounding the newborn elephant. The observers express a collective sentiment, acknowledging the sheer might and power of the adult elephants present. “Wow. Is that the most protected baby in the world or what?” reflects the awe that many feel when witnessing such a majestic event.

The Fear and Awe of Onlookers:

The onlookers express a mix of fear and admiration for the protective circle of adult elephants surrounding the newborn. The sheer size and power of these magnificent creatures evoke a sense of caution. “I wouldn’t want to mess with those elephants at that specific moment. Wow! How they manage to not trample on the baby is beyond my understanding,” one observer notes. The delicate balance between the celebration of life and the potential dangers is palpable.

Trumpeting for Joy:

Elephants are known for their expressive behaviors, and the footage captures the excited trumpeting of the elephants, signaling their joy at the newborn’s arrival. “They trumpet for the excitement of the baby. Elephants are amazing, caring, and loving. Welcome to the world, little one,” reflects the emotional connection that viewers feel with these gentle giants.

Family Gathering:

The heartwarming scene continues as the family of elephants, including parents, aunties, uncles, cousins, grandmas, and grandpas, gathers around the newborn. The instinct to protect the vulnerable calf is evident in their actions. The observers express a mix of fear and admiration for the protective circle of adult elephants surrounding the newborn.

The Protective Circle:

The onlookers express amazement at how the elephants, despite their massive size, manage to gather around the baby without causing harm. The instinct to protect is evident as they push, touch, lift, and pull the newborn for encouragement. The scene is described as both heartwarming and sweet, underscoring the strong familial bonds within the elephant community.


The rare daytime footage of an elephant taking its first steps in Chobi National Park offers a breathtaking glimpse into the wonders of the animal kingdom. The combination of fear, awe, and celebration paints a vivid picture of the delicate balance between the power of nature and the instinctive care and love exhibited by these magnificent creatures. Thanks to the Leroy couple and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the world can share in the joy of witnessing such a spectacular moment in the wild.