“Massive Rescue Operation: Rangers Tranquilize and Lift Escaped Elephants Back to Nature Reserve”

In a remarkable rescue operation in Southern Africa, at least 10 African elephants weighing around 8,000 pounds each were successfully tranquilized and lifted back into a nature reserve by a team of dedicated rangers. The elephants had managed to escape from the reserve, prompting an urgent response to ensure their safe return to their natural habitat.

A rescue worker holds a tranquilised elephant’s truck as it is loaded onto the back of a transporter truck with another animal

Two elephants are hoisted up by their feet using a crane as a pile of knocked-out animals lie on the back of a truck


A tranquilised adult elephant on the back of a transporter truck covered in leaves and branches in an attempt to cool it down

One of the herd of 8,000lbs elephants is lifted up into the blue sky in Southern Africa to be loaded onto the back of a truck

Tranquilization and Lifting Process: The jaw-dropping photographs, captured by British conservation photographer Pete Oxford, vividly depict the dramatic rescue efforts. The massive creatures, standing at 10 feet tall, were tranquilized and carefully lifted by a crane, using their feet, before being placed onto transporter trucks. This delicate process aimed to minimize stress on the elephants while ensuring their safe transportation.

A man in green overalls helps load another one of the tranquilised elephants onto the back of a transporter truck

Two juvenile elephants who have been branded by the rescue workers are tucked into the back of a truck to be moved home

A ranger on the back of a transporter grabs the elephants ears as it is lowered onto the platform with two others standing by

Post-Tranquilization Care: During the transport, rangers remained with the tranquilized elephants, taking measures to keep them comfortable. Branches were used to open the elephants’ airways, ensuring they could breathe properly, and water was applied to keep them cool. The dedication of the rescue team is evident in their commitment to the well-being of the animals throughout the entire process.

A woman holds an elephants trunk as it is lowered onto the back of a transporter by a crane where other animals are resting

A crane lowers a huge elephant, which weighs in the region of four tonnes, onto the back of a transporter truck in Africa

Rescue workers placed sticks in the trunks of the elephants to ensure they could still breath after being tranquilised

One of the elephants is hoised up by its legs, using two different ropes, after an entire herd escaped from a nature reserve

Photographer’s Perspective: Conservation photographer Pete Oxford, 58, from Torquay, UK, captured the impressive images that highlight the coordinated efforts of the rescue team. The photographs showcase the elephants taking their first steps after waking up, providing a poignant glimpse into the success of the rescue mission.

The shadow of a helicopter is seen among at least ten unconscious elephants as rangers tend to a number of them in Africa

Rangers get to work on a number of the elephants, who were branded with paint by the rescue workers in Southern Africa

A transporter truck pulls a trailer behind it with a number of elephants strapped down as rangers comfort the animals

A ranger helps a baby elephant take its first steps after being tranquilised as the adults come around to consciousness

Transportation and Reintegration: The transported elephants were loaded onto trailers attached to transporter trucks. Some of the elephants were branded by the rescue workers, possibly for identification and tracking purposes. The operation involved multiple trailers, emphasizing the scale of the rescue mission.

These amazing photographs were taken by Pete Oxford, 58, from Torquay in the UK, who is a conservation photographer

The animals wake up in the nature reserve and take their first shaky steps after regaining consciousness in the nature reserve

At least three trailers were loaded with elephants in the massive rescue operation after the animals escaped a nature reserve

This massive rescue operation, involving the tranquilization and lifting of escaped elephants, stands as a testament to the dedication of wildlife conservationists and rangers. The successful return of these majestic creatures to the nature reserve underscores the importance of preserving and protecting natural habitats for the well-being of wildlife.