Every day, this cheerful and fluffy dog brightens the lives of his beloved parents. But Sora’s huge heart and affectionate personality are not just for them. One day, while taking a walk near his home in Paris, Sora found a new friend: a vagabond named Bruno. This unexpected encounter altered Colzouti’s heart and, consequently, Bruno’s circumstances.

A lesson in empathy

“Sora stopped in front of a young man sitting in front of his shop,” wrote Colzouti. “When their eyes met, Sora jumped forward to greet him.” This initial meeting challenged Colzouti’s preconceived notions. Initially, he tried to shoo Sora away, but the dog’s persistence and Bruno’s warm smile made him pause.

Colzouti was moved by his dog’s kindness towards a needy man. It helped build a bridge of empathy in his own heart. “At that moment, I recognized two things: my dog and a stranger had much to teach me about how to love my neighbor,” wrote Colzouti. “And that I would do everything possible to repay this stranger who taught me this crucial lesson.”

Daily visits and a growing bond

These encounters with Bruno became a daily practice. In addition to Sora’s usual doses of love, Colzouti provided Bruno with food and clothing, as well as assistance to get his life back on track. His efforts were a testimony to the power of compassion.

A transformed life

Bruno’s situation has done nothing but improve after these stories became public. “Bruno’s life was transformed,” said Colzouti according to reports. “He no longer lives on the streets.” Sharing his story helped Bruno get the support he needed.

Friendship endures

It all started with Sora’s big heart. Colzouti and Sora no longer see Bruno on their daily walks, but they have not lost touch. They now have a weekly playdate scheduled. Their bond is a beautiful reminder that even the smallest gestures can have a profound impact.

The power of a dog’s love

“Their bond is touching, moving, and truly genuine,” added Colzouti. “Sora has a deep affection for humans. And he shows it every time we give him the opportunity.” A dog’s affection can truly change your life. And that was the case for Sora, Bruno, and Colzouti.