This amazing family pic looks like any other happy couple and their beautiful children, however, there is much more to this picture than meets the eye. If you look more closely you will see that the dad in the pic has no arms or legs.

Those who immediately recognise the famous motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic and his family will be well aware of his story of victory over impossibility. However for those who don’t, meet a man who had a very rough start in life but refused to give up and now inspires millions. Born in Melbourne, Australia, without limbs he hasn’t allowed disability to stop him from living life to the fullest and having a perfect family of his own.

During his childhood, Vujicic struggled with his differences from those around him. However, in high school, he came to realize that he was gifted in communication. This gave him hope, and he began to understand that his disability could aid him in spreading the Gospel in a way that would catch other’s attention.
“If God’s got a plan for a blind man, God’s got a plan for me,” Vujicic said.

Evangelist Nick Vujicic explained how his dream of having a family could only be achieved once he found his purpose in God and understood why he had been created.
“I have a wife and four children. Kanae and I, we’re in love, and we love our family,” Vujicic said. “We are doing life together, but before I met my wife – and it was love at first sight, by the way, I couldn’t feel my legs when I looked at her and she looked at me. And that was one of my biggest dreams, to be married.”

“But being married as a big dream of mine wasn’t the entirety of my purpose that I was made for,” he continued. “I, as a teenager, had to first find out why I was born this way and knowing that God is in control.”
It is not every woman who would take on the challenge of a disabled husband and yet God has blessed this family beyond measure.

One can’t help but feeling that Nick’s little sons, who are so much like him are a picture of what may have been if Nick had not been born the way he was. However such is his immense platform today Nick probably wouldn’t want to change anything about his life even if he could. God has used him in an extraordinary way to encourage people to perservere no matter what… and to share a powerful message that salvation is to be found in Christ alone.

As for Nick, his whole life and ministry is perhaps best summed up in his famous quote: “I’m an ambassador of Jesus Christ, standing at the gates of hell redirecting traffic.”
What an amazing testimony. Follow Nick’s example and be part of God’s family. Be part of an amazing family pic in Heaven.