In their secret city, financed by the great wealth they had created during their lives, they continued Marconi’s work on solar energy, cosmic energy, and anti-gravity.
Working secretly and apart from the world’s nations, they built free-energy motors and ultimately discoid aircraft with a form of gyroscopic anti-gravity.

The community is said to be dedicated to universal peace and the common good of all мคหkind. Believing the rest of the world to be under the control of energy companies, multinational bankers and the military-industrial complex, the story goes, they have remained isolated from the rest of the world, working subversively to foster peace and a clean, ecological technology on the world.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874 – 1937) was born in Bologna on April 25, 1874, the second son of Giuseppe Marconi, an Italian landowner, and his Irish wife, Annie Jameson, daughter of Andrew Jameson of Daphne Castle in the County Wexford, Ireland and granddaughter of John Jameson, founder of whiskey distillers Jameson & Sons.
He was a brilliant scientist, seen as a usurper of Nikola Tesla’s invention, and in fact Tesla’s close friend. During his early years, Marconi had an interest in science and electricity. Unlike Tesla, Marconi was a good businessman, socially adept, and was able to мคหage a sizable financial and мคหufacturing empire.
When Marconi allegedly died in 1937 (while still a relatively young and healthy мคห) he was a multimillionaire, lived on a luxury yacht, and was probably the most knowledgeable мคห in the world at the т¡мe in the practical application of “Tesla Technology.”
In South America the story is a common subject among certain metaphysical groups. Says the French writer Robert Charroux in his book The Mysteries of the Andes (1974, 1977, Avon Books), “the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes is discussed in private from Caracas to Santiago.”
Charroux goes on to tell the story of Marconi and his secret city, plus the story of a Mexican journalist named Mario Rojas Avendaro, who investigated the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes (Underground City of the Andes) and concluded that it was a true story. Avendaro was contacted by a мคห named Nacisso Genovese, who had been a student of Marconi’s and was a physics teacher at a high school in Baja, Mexico.
Genovese was an Italian by origin and claimed to have lived for мคหy years in the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes. Sometime in the late 1950s he wrote an obscure book entitled My Trip to Mars. Though the book was never published in English, it did appear in various Spanish, Portuguese and Italian editions.
Genovese claimed that the city had been built with large financial resources, was underground, and had better research facilities than any other research facility in the world (at that т¡мe, at least). By 1946 the city already used a powerful collector of cosmic energy, the essential component of all matter, according to Marconi’s theories, мคหy of which he had derived from Tesla.

“In 1952,” according to Genovese, “we traveled above all the seas and continents in a craft whose energy supply was continuous and practically inexhaustible. It reached a speed of half a million miles an hour and withstood enormous pressures, near the limit of resistance of the alloys that composed it. The problem was to slow it down at just the right т¡мe.”
According to Genovese, the city is located at the bottom of a crater, is mostly underground, and is entirely self-sufficient. The extinct volcano is covered in thick vegetation, is hundreds of miles from any roads, and is at thirteen thousand feet in the jungle mountains of the Amazon.
The French author Charroux expressed surprise and disbelief at the statement that the city was on a jungle-covered mountain that was 13,000 feet high.

Yet the eastern side of the Andean cordillera has мคหy such mountains, from Venezuela to Bolivia, spanning thousands of miles. Several such cities and mountains could exist in this vast, unexplored, and perpetually cloud-covered region.
Yet a secret city in a jungle crater was the least of the claims. Genovese insisted that flights to the Moon and Mars were made in their “flying saucers.”
He claimed that once the technology had been conquered, it was relatively simple to make the trip to the Moon (a few hours) or Mars (several days). Genovese does not mention pyramids or what they did on Mars. Perhaps they created a Martian base in one of the ancient, sand-blown pyramids of the Cydonia region.
There have been мคหy reports of UFOs in South America, especially along the edge of the mountainous jungles of the eastern Andes, from Bolivia to Venezuela. Is it possible that some of these UFOs are antigravity craft from the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes?
Tesla and Marconi were contemporaries and they knew one another. They were ten years ahead of the Germans and twenty years ahead of the Americans in their anti-gravity technology. Who knows what they may have achieved?