The black rain frog (scientific name-Breviceps fuscus), also called the brown short-headed frog, plain rain frog, and Tsitsikama rain frog is of the Brevicipitidae family.

The specific scientific term fuscus refers to their dark color. The species of the genus Breviceps are named short-headed frogs or rain frogs.

They occupy semiarid to arid climatic places of South Africa and East Africa. There are 20 species in this genus. The frogs of this genus walk and do not hop.

Rain frogs or Brevicipitidae is a small frog family. Five genera in this family consist of 34 species as per 2013 data.

Phylogenetic data shows that this family should to considered a family within the shovelnose frogs (Hemisotidae) as they are closely related.

These frogs are not easily visible as they spend most of their time in leaf litter or soil. The black rain frog is usually completely black or dark brown.

The population of these species is abundant, but they are sensitive to the disturbance of their habitat.

The black rain frogs have a typically dark brown or nearly black round body. Their ventrum is lighter with no pigmented patterns. They have short toes and limbs.

Their skin has small tubercles and pitting or pronounced widely spaced granules instead of warts. The second toe of these species is longer than their first and fifth ones.

The snout-vent length of these frogs is 1.6-2 in (40-51 cm). The females are larger than the male species. These frogs are usually small, however, the giant rain frog can grow over 3 in (7.6 cm).

The weight of the black rain frog is not known. However, their relatives, desert rain frogs weigh up to 0.25 lb (0.11 kg).

The black rain frog’s diet includes spiders, insects, worms, termites, caterpillars, ants, beetles, and other small invertebrates.

The natural habitat of Breviceps fuscus includes forest fringes, forests, mountainous, grasslands, areas, and fynbos. They can easily survive in these natural habitats even without an open water source.

The habitat of these species is often determined by the dislodged sand piles due to their burrowing habits. They occupy elevations up to 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

The breeding season of the black rain frogs starts in the summer extends through October. Breviceps fuscus has sexual reproduction.

This reproduction is dioecious. Since males are quite smaller than females, the females release a sticky substance to fasten the male onto her body. They lay around 42-43 eggs inside the burrows.

These burrows holding the eggs are 1.1-1.5 in (30-40 mm) deep with a small opening. The males guard the eggs often producing calls from above-ground vegetation and within burrows.

The eggs hatch after around two months. These species do not go through the tadpole stage and come out of their eggs as black rain frogs. This is called direct development.

The exact lifespan of the Breviceps fuscus of South Africa is not known.

However, these frogs are very similar to their relatives desert rain frogs (scientific name-Breviceps macrops) who live up to 2-15 years.








Ref: Wikipedia, everythingreptiles, inaturalist, thebdi, frogmap, animals.fandomPic: Wikipedia, everythingreptiles, inaturalist, thebdi, frogmap, catdumb, biodiversityfocused