Survival story: Elephant narrowly escaped death when electrocuted

In a remote village bordering a forest reserve, a heart-wrenching incident unfolded when an elephant inadvertently came into contact with an electrified fence. The electrified fence, designed to deter wild animals from trespassing into human settlements, had inflicted a massive electric shock on the elephant, leaving it burnt, dehydrated, and unable to stand. This video captures the rescue mission that ensued, showcasing the collaborative efforts of villagers and wildlife officers to save the distressed animal.

The Context of Electrified Fences:

All electrified fences are not created equal, with variations arising from installations by the government or villagers themselves, using personal funds. The primary purpose of these fences is not to harm elephants but to safeguard people and their crops from potential threats. Unfortunately, incidents like the one captured in the video highlight the unintended consequences that can occur.

Immediate Response and Villager’s Initiative:


.The morning after the incident, villagers discovered the fallen elephant and promptly alerted the wildlife office. Wildlife officers, accompanied by compassionate villagers, rushed to the scene. Displaying empathy, the villagers even arranged for a water bowser, funded from their own pockets, to alleviate the burnings on the elephant’s body and cool its overheated frame.

Veterinary Intervention:


Upon arrival, wildlife officers initiated a meticulous rescue operation. The first step involved cleaning the elephant’s ear with a disinfectant, preparing the ground for intravenous saline therapy. Recognizing the severity of dehydration, veterinarians decided on a substantial infusion of about 20 saline bottles, supplemented with glucose to expedite fluid restoration.

Addressing the Aftermath of Electric Shock:

Electric shocks can induce various conditions such as pain, stinging sensations, muscle weakness, and compromised immunity. Once the elephant was adequately rehydrated, veterinarians administered medications to alleviate these symptoms, prioritizing the animal’s comfort and well-being.

The Role of Electric Fencing:

Recovery and Monitoring:

Following the administration of treatments and medicines, the elephant, though showing signs of improved energy, struggled to stand. The veterinary team, satisfied that all necessary interventions had been implemented, decided to closely monitor the elephant’s progress until full recovery.

This rescue mission serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts of villagers and wildlife officers in saving a distressed elephant from the unintended consequences of an electrified fence. It underscores the importance of responsible fence installation, maintenance, and the need for compassionate responses when wildlife falls victim to such barriers. As we await updates on the elephant’s recovery, the story highlights the delicate balance between human needs and wildlife conservation in shared ecosystems.