You may be having a rough day, but at the very least you haven’t been devastated by a massive metal ball, so there’s that!

All joking aside, this is probably the oddest way to die, to say the least, as you may have guessed by now, but this is precisely what occurred to inhabitants from all across the Azangaro of Luarancahuani at Puro on Wednesday 27th at approximately 18:30.

These massive spheres were so heavy and strong that they could easily break through concrete, so you can imagine how surprised the people were when they witnessed them fall from the sky at random.

These things are so big and heavy that they could knock down a mammoth in one fell swoop, so the locals didn’t want to be hit in the head by any of them, to say the least.

Many residents also described a strange scent of electrode welding filling the atmosphere just before the occurrence as if something was being welded right in front of their eyes.

Each sphere weighed more than 40 kilograms and was up to two meters in diameter, so it’s fair to assume that this was not something anybody wanted to deal with anytime soon.

Many people assume this was a military exercise, but what do you think?