Thrilling scene of mother elephant “planning” to rescue her baby stuck in the mud

Seeing their child stuck in the mud, the mother and the whole herd tried everything to rescue their child.The clip was filmed by a tourist who happened to be at the park with Addo, Eastern, South Africa. A baby elephant fell into a mud hole and couldn’t get out. When the mother elephant saw a baby elephant stuck in deep mud, she tried everything to save her baby. First, the mother uses its trunk and legs to try to get the baby to a safe place.

However, because the mud was quite muddy, the mother elephant encountered many difficulties when trying to rescue her baby. The mud hole was extremely slippery, so saving the baby elephant was not easy at all. Unable to pull the baby, the mother elephant decided to use her long trunk to push the baby from behind.

The efforts of the mother and other members of the herd paid off, and in the end, the uncle saved the child from the mud. After that, mother and daughter happily continued the action.