During our trip we were following the lions moving along the main road, a lot of tourists stopped their cars and took pictures of the lions.During our trip we were following the lions moving along the main road, a lot of tourists stopped their cars and took pictures of the lions.
At this time, suddenly a gazelle galloped across the road at breakneck speed.

The lion now also saw the appearance of the antelope and immediately turned around and just jumped up to pounce on the prey.

The hunt was easy, the lions did not have to spend any effort to hunt but still had someone to offer to the place.

Lion is an animal of the cat family and has the English name “lion” (scientific name: Panthera leo). Lions are large and heavy, with powerful fangs and distinctive plumage.
The male lion has a strong appearance, thick beard and offset on the neck, while the female lion is smaller and lacks these features. The color of the lion’s coat is usually golden brown or dark brown, which distinguishes it from other cats.
Lions live mainly in grassland and desert areas of Africa, and there are also some populations in Asia. They are powerful hunters and mainly hunt at night. Lions live in groups, with a male lion leading the group of lionesses and cubs. Female lions are usually responsible for hunting, while male lions protect the territory and family.
The lion is considered the “king of the grasslands” and has become a symbol of power and strength. However, lions are facing the risk of decreasing numbers due to habitat loss and illegal hunting. Protecting lions and maintaining their existence is important to protect biodiversity and balance habitat.