Top of the biophilic design trend that brings the outside world inside by taking inspiration from nature

Passion for life and all living things? If you are thinking about conservation and sustainability, we have good news! The interiors get a green makeover. This is called biophilic interior design – an approach that respects nature. Also, everyone can benefit from biophilic interiors. So follow us as we explore the design trend that is (re)connecting us to Mother Nature. In just a few steps you can also create such a peaceful home!

The basics of biophilic interior design


Biophilic bedroom interior by decorilla Designer Wanda P.

The biophilic design trend is about so much more than just usage Plants in interior design. Before creating a biophilic interior design, you need to get acquainted with the basics of the trend. So let’s dive in to find the answer to the question “What is the biophilic design concept?”

What is the biophilic design trend?

To answer this question, we must first take a closer look at the word “biophilia”. Biophilia is defined as the inherent human desire to belong and be a part of the natural world. In truth, it is all about the desire to interact and connect with life forms beyond us. For this reason, biophilic design is a process that brings the outside world inside by taking inspiration from nature.


Biophilic Interiors of decorilla Designers, Kristina B. (left) and Tiara M. (right)

Sustainable interior design is a core concern of the biophilic furnishing concept. In addition, it focuses on the positive effects that nature has to offer on human physical and mental well-being. If an interior design does not focus on nature’s positive contributions to our performance and health, it is certainly not biophilic.

What are the elements of biophilic design?


How to pull off biophilic interior design


Cafe interior with biophilic design by decorilla Designer, Sonja C.

There are certainly many ways you can invite the harmony of nature into your home. Today we look at five inspiring examples of biophilic interior design. With these tips, you can blend indoor and outdoor spaces very effectively and beautifully.

1. Choose a natural color scheme


Biophilic interior by decorilla Designer Wanda P.

One of the easiest ways to create biophilic interiors is to implement a nature-inspired color palette. However, it’s important to remember that natural coloring isn’t limited to earthy tones and rich greens. In fact, you have a rainbow of shades at your disposal.

If you’re having trouble choosing a palette, start by remembering your favorite natural setting. Maybe it’s the beach with its soothing shades of beige and blue. Or contemplate the hues of the ever-changing sky—with colors ranging from blue to pink to gray and everything in between. Also consider the desert, which shows sandy, warmer colors.


Sea-inspired biophilic interior by decorilla Designer, Tijana Z.

The color palette of nature is limitless! So show off your chosen color scheme by using it on the walls, accessories, furniture and more.

2. Incorporate a selection of plants


Biophilic interior by decorilla Designer Drew F

Yes, biophilic interior design isn’t just about plants, but they certainly remain an integral part of nature. Biophilic public interiors may feature tall trees, but at home? It’s probably impossible. However, there are many more practical alternatives.

Options range from simple potted plants that breathe life into dead spaces, to hanging plants, kitchen herb gardens, to living walls. The possible placements and uses of houseplants are endless.

By adding a selection of greenery to your home, you not only enhance the interior but also make you feel closer to nature. You will also benefit from the health benefits. Finally, plants purify the air, help with relaxation and provide greater mental clarity.

3. Imitate nature with natural shapes


Biophilic design elements by decorilla Designer, Anna C.

Biophilic interior design simply would not be complete without pieces that reflect the shapes and patterns found in nature. Be inspired by the curves of waves, the crests formed on windblown dunes, the twisting tendrils of a creeper. Everything in nature can inspire your interior.


Interior with biophilic style design by decorilla Designer, Kate S.

To incorporate natural shapes into your home, choose irregularly shaped furniture and accessories. For example, keep an eye out for handmade pieces made from natural materials. You should also avoid anything with sharp corners and straight lines.

4. Choose textures reminiscent of nature


Biophilic Powder Room Interior by decorilla Designer Rehan A.

Feel better in tune with Nature by investing in decor and furniture that imitates natural materials. This rule also extends to floor and wall coverings. For example, you want to select pieces that are made from all-natural materials—think wood and stone.

These parts should be as close as possible to their original condition. This is also a great way to explore sustainability. But above all, make sure to choose responsibly manufactured items and eco-friendly materials.

Natural materials not only look beautiful, but also offer a wonderful tactile experience. Imagine walking across a cool stone floor to snuggle up on the couch with a faux fur throw – heaven! Other materials that evoke memories of nature include linen, hemp, clay and wicker.

5. Embrace natural light and airflow


Biophilic living room interior design by decorilla Designer Wanda P.

Sun and fresh air are not only good for plants, but also for the human soul. Make an instant difference inside your home by making sure all windows are as clear as possible. Draw the curtains wide and open the windows every day. In addition, even lighter, more airy to create inside roomsreplace heavy curtains with light, billowy ones.


Natural light in biophilic interior design by decorilla Designer, Courtney B.

Remember, the great outdoors is not a stuffy place. Make sure spaces aren’t crowded to encourage proper airflow throughout your home. In addition, through these steps you can enjoy an unobstructed view of the garden from inside. If you don’t have a garden, don’t worry. Just put plants on your balcony if you have one – and if you don’t have one, invest in some flower boxes to create a pleasant view.

Finally, when the sun has gone down, make sure your home is outfitted with several soft, warm lighting options. There is certainly no better way to end the day than with dreamy lighting filling your home. And with biophilic interior design, this is all the more possible.