41 Simple Wooden House Ideas But Beautiful for Farm Living

Prefabricated construction has gained popularity over the years due to, among other things, its ability to cut building costs and timeline.

A modular home is typically built in about 30 per cent the time required to construct a site built house. This is because construction work – foundation (on-site) and home construction (at the factory) – can be done concurrently thus saving a lot of time over a site built home.

In addition, there are no delays from weather restrictions, material theft or contractor problems as may be the norm with a site built home.

The cost of prefabricated houses is significantly lower than that of a site built home. This is mainly because manufacturers usually buy building supplies in huge volumes (at a discount) and additional savings reflect in the cost of the finished house.


Also, because prefabs are built within a shorter span of time, the amount of interest the home-owner pays on a home loan is significantly reduced – thereby reducing the construction cost.

Prefabs require less material than site built homes. Excess materials are re-used for other homes. Also, in case a modular house is dismantled the prefabs can be used to make another home or stored for a future construction project.

This means this technology has minimal wastage and minimal impact on the environment.






































