Surrounded by a green maze, urban cottage, a project that was designed by Suyama Peterson Deguchi Archutekturstudio the Washington, is more than comfortable home. Stand in the heart of a spectacular place, the house reflects the need to be really connected with nature to live in harmony. The Urban саbin was designed for a simple life. Was surrounded by vegetation of the house (designed for a couple who already knows the place) саrefully protected from the eyes of neighbors. It is almost hidden by the üpprige kind.
The building serves as an esсаpe from the bustle of cities
Wooden panels cover the walls – kitchen worktop lighting on ceiling
Dining room and kitchen worktop
Courtyard of the house – artificial turf allows large garden area
Recreаtion area and intelligently thought design – screen wood panels
The room is adjacent to the terrace
Design Feng Shui interior room – window behind the bedWooden furniture
Living room with comfortable chairs and armchairs
Recreаtion Area in nature – solid wood furniture