Frogs have long been seen as symbols of luck, fertility, and change. But the tree frog? All that and more.
Tree frogs, often depicted with red eyes, usually spend much of their lives in trees.
Their claws and feet are perfectly adapted to climb for food. As such, a tattoo of a frog in a tree symbolizes adjustment, resourcefulness, cunning, and awareness, more so than their lily pad counterparts.
Frogs are among the oldest life forms on earth, and to be connected with one is to be connected with nature. Despite the appeal of ancient folklore, however, people usually choose tree frog tattoos as evidence of their personal growth or overarching transformation. Many belief systems adhere to this quality, as the frog’s life cycle of egg to tadpole to adult is easy to see. It tends to make us reflect on nature’s ruthless evolution.
Placement of a tree frog tattoo can carry weighted meaning too, if so desired. Along the spine may convey the intimacy of your transition, whereas on the calf could mean the journey isn’t over and the frog is still climbing. Men who choose this symbol often like the frog in full, vibrant color, complete with red eyes and sprawled limbs.
Whether you’re living a lucky life or you connect strongly with transformation, the tree frog is a splendid visage in ink.