The heartbreaking story of Celeste, a devoted mother dog, has deeply moved people around the world. At the tender age of two, Celeste found herself abandoned, pregnant, and alone. Despite her terrible circumstances, she possessed a serene, contemplative, and endearing disposition. She was forced to embark on a dangerous journey and endure life on the unforgiving streets.

With every ounce of her energy, Celeste did everything possible to care for her beautiful puppies, even when she practically disappeared from sight due to her difficult circumstances. Surviving as a street dog is a tough feat, especially considering the responsibility of giving birth, raising, and caring for five puppies. It was obvious that Celeste and her 5 puppies were severely malnourished. Using all available nutrients, she fed her puppies and protected them from the cruel winter cold.

Despite her own hunger, Celeste’s foster mother, Elaine, noticed that Celeste was “extremely emaciated, while the puppies fed voraciously”.

Surprisingly, Celeste’s puppies enjoyed almost excellent health despite their difficult upbringing. Celeste struggled to feed her five children, and her personal appearance bore the marks of hunger. For more than five months, this devoted mother dedicated her life to ensuring the protection and well-being of her offspring. Finally, Celeste was receiving the attention she deserved.

The BC SPCA revealed that Celeste voluntarily gave up food to feed her children. After enduring a hard life on the streets, she had sacrificed everything to ensure the safety of her offspring, so it was time for her to receive the same affection.

Elaine Nelson-Hosak, a foster mother at BC SPCA, felt compelled to welcome Celeste and her puppies into her home. Celeste entered her life during a time of personal loss, and the timing seemed almost serendipitous. They needed each other because who could better alleviate the anguish of a broken heart than a loyal canine companion who could love and care for Celeste and her puppies?

Afterward, Celeste steadily regained weight and energy through a meticulous “re-feeding” routine. Her body eagerly accepted the six small, nutrient-rich meals she loved each day, leading her to reach a weight of 90 pounds. The encouraging news is that four of her five puppies had already found loving homes and were reunited with their families.

Judging by her response to care and her bond with her foster mother, it was evident that Celeste had found her forever home. Affectionately known as “Mom” in the family, she now enjoys the comfort of curling up on the couch and basking in the sun by the fireplace, a stark contrast to her previous life on the streets. She is not an outcast; she has embraced her new role, and “Mom” is now protected, content, and very loved.

Healthy Dog Feeding:

Calorie Consideration: Pay attention to the calorie content of your dog’s food and adjust portion sizes accordingly to avoid overfeeding. Excess calories can lead to weight gain and associated health problems, so it’s important to feed your dog appropriately based on their size, age, and activity level.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can affect your dog’s dietary needs. During warm weather, for example, your dog may need additional hydration and electrolytes to stay adequately hydrated.

Travel Considerations: When traveling with your dog, plan ahead to ensure you have access to adequate food and water along the way. Pack sufficient amounts of your dog’s usual food and familiarize yourself with local pet-friendly establishments and emergency veterinary services.