At IMDEX ASIA, Saab will demonstrate the newest in marine live training.

At IMDEX ASIA, Saab will demonstrate the newest in marine live training.



S??? is s??wc?sin? its l?t?st ??n???ti?n M??itim? Liv? T??inin? S?l?ti?n ?t IMDEX Asi?, Asi? P?ci?ic’s l???in? n?v?l ?n? m??itim? ?v?nt t?kin? ?l?c? in Sin?????? 3-5 M??. As t?? w??l?-l???in? s???li?? ?? int????????l?, ???listic liv? t??inin? s?l?ti?ns ??? t?? l?n? ??m?in, S??? is n?w ?x??n?in? its ????? t? t?? litt???l ?n? ?m??i?i??s ??m?ins. M??itim? ?????ti?ns ??? ? k?? c?m??n?nt wit?in t?? j?int t??inin? ?nvi??nm?nt ?n? ????i?? ????l l?v?ls ?? ???listic c?n?iti?ns ?n? ?????ti?n?l ??????ck. T?is n??? ??s m?st ??c?ntl? ???n ??m?nst??t?? ?? S???’s m?j?? c?nt??ct wіп t? s???l? t?? U.S. M??in? C???s wit? t??i? ??t??? liv? inst??m?nt?ti?n t??inin? c????ilit?.

S??? ?????cts ?n ?is?l?? ?t IMDEX ?ls? incl??? t?? c?m??t ???t CB90, t?? li??tw?i??t m?lti-missi?n s??v?ill?nc? ????? Gi????? 1X, m??itim? ???lt? c??? s?l?ti?ns ?n? ? ??n?? ?? ?n???w?t?? s?st?ms: t?? ?nti-s??m??in? w?????? s?l?ti?n S??? Li??tw?i??t T?????? (SLWT), t?? M?lti-S??t Min? N??t??lis?ti?n S?st?m (M?MNS) ?n? ?nti-s??m??in? w?????? t??inin? s?st?m AUV62-AT. S??? is ?ni??? in t?? n?v?l ??m?in, ?n? t?? ?nl? c?m??n? wit? t?? in-???s? ѕkіɩɩѕ t? ??liv?? ??v?nc?? c?m??t v?ss?ls ?n? s??m??in?s, ?s w?ll ?s ?ll ?? t?? w????ns, s?ns??s, ?i?? c?nt??l ?n? C2 s?st?ms t??t c?m?l?t? t?? m??itim? ??ttl?s??c?.

S??? – M??itim? Liv? T??inin? 2 – M???l?? T????t S?st?m ?n C?m??t B??t 90?S??? – M??itim? Liv? T??inin? 2 – M???l?? T????t S?st?m ?n C?m??t B??t 90. (P??t? ?? S???)?“R??listic t??inin?, c???l?? wit? imm??i?t? ??????ck ?n? ??t?il?? ?v?l??ti?n, is t?? ??tіm?l ???????ti?n ??? ?n? milit??? ?? l?w ?n???c?m?nt ?????ti?n. O?? liv? c????ilit? is n?w ?v?il??l? ??? m??itim? t??inin? ?n? w? ??v? c??s?n IMDEX t? s??wc?s? t?is n?w ???iti?n wit? ??? l?t?st ??n???ti?n ?? M???l?? T????t S?st?m ?n? C?m??ct B?llistic L?s?? s?l?ti?ns,” s??s Ås? T???st?öm, ???? ?? S???’s ??sin?ss ?nit T??inin? ?n? Sim?l?ti?n.

S??? is ?ni??? in t?? n?v?l ??m?in, ?n? t?? ?nl? c?m??n? wit? t?? in-???s? ѕkіɩɩѕ t? ??liv?? ??v?nc?? c?m??t v?ss?ls ?n? s??m??in?s, ?s w?ll ?s ?ll ?? t?? w????ns, s?ns??s, ?i?? c?nt??l ?n? C2 s?st?ms t??t c?m?l?t? t?? m??itim? ??ttl?s??c?. S??? is ? l???in? ????nc? ?n? s?c??it? c?m??n? wit? ?n ?n???in? missi?n, t? ??l? n?ti?ns k??? t??i? ????l? ?n? s?ci?t? s???. Em??w???? ?? its 19,000 t?l?nt?? ????l?, S??? c?nst?ntl? ??s??s t?? ???n???i?s ?? t?c?n?l??? t? c???t? ? s????, m??? s?st?in??l? ?n? m??? ???it??l? w??l?. S??? ??si?ns, m?n???ct???s ?n? m?int?ins ??v?nc?? s?st?ms in ????n??tics, w????ns, c?mm?n? ?n? c?nt??l, s?ns??s ?n? ?n???w?t?? s?st?ms. S??? is ????????t???? in Sw???n. It ??s m?j?? ?????ti?ns ?ll ?v?? t?? w??l? ?n? is ???t ?? t?? ??m?stic ????nc? c????ilit? ?? s?v???l n?ti?ns.

S??? – M??itim? Liv? T??inin? 3 – M???l?? T????t S?st?m ?n CB90 – cl?s?-????S??? – M??itim? Liv? T??inin? 3 – M???l?? T????t S?st?m ?n CB90 – cl?s?-???. (P??t? ?? S???)