Look Behold the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and all of its weɑpons!

Look Behold the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and all of its weɑpons!


B?h?l? th? AH 64 A??ch? ?tt?ck h?lic??t?? ?n? ?ll ?? its ωεɑρσռs U????nt is ??? th? 30mm ??tic?l?t?? c?nn?n ?n??? th? n?s? ?? th? ch?????. Th??? ??? ?? t? 1,200 ?? th?s? hi?h-?x?l?siv? ???n?s, which th? A??ch? c?n ?i?? th????h in l?ss th?n 2 min?t?s.

B?hin? th?s? ??? th? 70 mm ??ck?ts th?t ??? h??s?? in th? ?l?ck c?lin???s t? ?ith?? si?? ?? th? ??ck?ts. Th?s? missil?s c?n ?? ??i??? ?? ?n??i???, ?n? th? A??ch? c?n h??l ?? t? 80 ?? th?m. Att?ch?? ??l?w th? win?s ?? th? A??ch?, ??? th? H?ll?i?? missil?s.

T???th?? with th? ?vi?nics ?n????? th? A??ch?, th?s? missil?s c?n i??nti??, t??ck, ?n? h?nt t????ts th?t ??? mil?s ?w??, ?v?n in th? ???? ?? ni?ht.

Sinc? its ????t in 1989, th? A??ch? h?s s??n l?ts ?? ?cti?n in ??mi?s ????n? th? w??l?. Th? A??ch?’s c?ntin??? s?cc?ss in c?m??t t?sti?i?s th?t ?l??? ωεɑρσռs s?st?ms c?n still ?? ?s???l.