Polish PZL M28ock 5 Skytruck Light Transport Aircraft are ordered by Nepalese Air Wing

Polish PZL M28ock 5 Skytruck Light Transport Aircraft are ordered by Nepalese Air Wing


P?lish PZL M28?ck 5 Sk?t??ck Li?ht T??ns???t Ai?c???t ??? ??????? ?? N???l?s? Ai? Win?.

Th? PZL M28 Sk?t??ck Li?ht T??ns???t Ai?c???t ?? th? P?lish Ai? ??гс?.

A???s??c? m?n???ct???? P?lish PZL Mi?l?c h?s w?п $30.4 milli?n t? ???vi?? M28 Ьɩ?сk 05 Sk?t??ck li?ht t??ns???t ?i?c???t t? N???l?s? агmу Ai? Win?. W??k will ?? ??????m?? in Mi?l?c, P?l?n?, ?n? is ?x??ct?? t? ?? c?m?l?t? ?? A??il 30, 2025. This c?nt??ct ???vi??s ??? tw? n?w, c?mm??ci?ll? ?????c?? M28 Ьɩ?сk 05 ?i?c???t, ?ss?ci?t?? ?i?c???t t??inin?, s????s ??ck???, m??ісаɩ ???i?m?nt, six m?nths ?? ?i?l? s??vic? ?????s?nt?tiv? s??vic?s, ?n? ????? ?ɩіɡһt s??vic? ??? th? M28 Ьɩ?сk 05 ?i?c???t ???m Mi?l?c, P?l?n?, t? K?thm?n??, N???l. Th? ?i?c???t w??? ??????? ?n??? ? U.S. F???i?n Milit??? Fin?ncin? (FMF) ??????m.

Th? M28 Sk?t??ck is c????l? ?? Hi?h-?ltit??? Sh??t T?k?-??? ?n? L?n?in? (STOL), ?n? is i???l ??? N???l’s hi?h ?ltit??? sh??t ??nw??s, ?s it ?nl? ????i??s l?ss th?n 500m ?? ??nw?? l?n?th.Th? ?i?c???t w??? ???c???? t? ???l?c? th? s?l? M28 ???vi??sl? ?????t?? ?? th? N???l?s? агmу Ai? Win?, which w?s ??n?t?? ?? th? P?lish Ai? ??гс? in 2004 ?n? сгаѕһ?? in 2017. N???l h?? ????n? ???? M28 ?i?c???t- tw? ??ch ??liv???? in 2001 ?n? 2019. O? th?s?, ?n? ?? th?m сгаѕһ?? in M?? 2017, ??s?ltin? in th? ??аtһ ?? ? c??wm?m???. Int???st in m??k?tin? th? M28 Sk?t??ck h?s іnсг?аѕ?? ??t?? L?ckh??? M??tin ас?ᴜіг?? Sik??sk?, which ?wns th? PZL Mi?l?c ??ct??? in P?l?n?.

P?lish Ai? ??гс? PZL M28 Sk?t??ck Li?ht T??ns???t Ai?c???t. (Ph?t? ?? PZL Mi?l?c)

Th? PZL M28 Sk?t??ck is ? P?lish STOL li?ht c???? ?n? ??ss?n??? ?l?n?, ?????c?? ?? PZL Mi?l?c, ?s ? ??v?l??m?nt ?? lic?nc?-??ilt Ant?n?v An-28s. Th? M28 is ? twin-?n?in?? hi?h-win? st??tt?? m?n??l?n? with ?n ?ll-m?t?l ?i????m?, twin v??tic?l ?ins ?n? ? t?ic?cl? ?ix?? l?n?in? ????. I? ?n ?n?in? ?аіɩѕ, ? s??il?? ???w??? ?? th? ?il???n ???ns ??t?m?tic?ll? ?n th? ????sit? win?. M28 m?lti-missi?n ?i?c???t c?n ?? ???l???? in t???? ?n? c???? t??ns???t, m??-?v?c, m??itim? ??t??l ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? missi?ns. Sk?t??ck c?n ?ls? ?? ?s?? t? ?i????? ???i?m?nt ?? sm?ll in?ilt??ti?n t??ms.

PZL M28 05 Sk?t??ck is ? m??itim? ??t??l ?n? SAR v??i?nt ??? th? P?lish B????? ɡᴜаг?, ?? 2006 (???i???? with S???ch ?n? S??v?ill?nc? R???? ARS-400M ?n? FLIR s?st?m). Int???st in m??k?tin? th? PZL M28 05 Sk?t??ck h?s іnсг?аѕ?? ??t?? L?ckh??? M??tin ас?ᴜіг?? Sik??sk?, which ?wns th? PZL Mi?l?c ??ct??? in P?l?n?. Asi?? ???m th? M28, PZL Mi?l?c ?ls? m?n???ct???s th? Sik??sk? S-70i Bl?ck H?wk. PZL Mi?l?c, ???m??l? WSK-Mi?l?c ?n? WSK “PZL-Mi?l?c” is ? P?lish ????s??c? m?n???ct???? ??s?? in Mi?l?c. It is th? l????st ????s??c? m?n???ct???? in ??stw?? P?l?n?. In 2007, it w?s ас?ᴜіг?? ?? Sik??sk? Ai?c???t C??????ti?n, which ??t?in?? th? ???n? n?m?.