“Safran and HAL cooperate to develop new engines for utility helicopters in India.”

“Safran and HAL cooperate to develop new engines for utility helicopters in India.”

S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s ?n? Hin??st?n A???n??tics Limit?? (HAL) h?v? si?n?? ?n ?????m?nt t? c???t? ? n?w j?int v?nt??? int?n??? t? ??v?l?? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s. Th????h ? M?m???n??m ?? Un???st?n?in? (M?U), si?n?? ?? M?. R. M??h?v?n, HAL CMD, ?n? M?. F??nck S????, S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s CEO in ???s?nc? ?? Olivi?? An??iès, S????n CEO, ??th ???tn??s will ?xt?n? th?i? l?n?-l?stin? ???tn??shi? ?? ?st??lishin? ? n?w ????-?n?in? c?m??n? in In?i?. It will ?? ???ic?t?? t? th? ??v?l??m?nt, ?????cti?n, s?l?s ?n? s?????t ?? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s ?n? ?n? ?? its m?in ??j?ctiv?s will ?? t? m??t th? ????i??m?nts ?? HAL ?n? In?i?’s Minist?? ?? D???nc? (M?D) ??t??? h?lic??t??s, incl??in? th? ??t??? 13-t?n IMRH (In?i?n M?lti R?l? H?lic??t??).

M?. R. M??h?v?n s?i?: “S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s h?s ???n ??? v?l??? ???tn?? ??? s?v???l ??c???s. W? n?w l??k ???w??? t? ?tiliz? this ?????t?nit? t? l?v????? HAL’s ?x???i?nc? in m?n???ct??in? ?? m??? th?n 15 t???s ?? ?i?c???t ?n? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s t? j?intl? c?-??v?l?? ?n? m?n???ct??? ?n?in? with imm??i?t? ??c?s ?n IMRH ?n? its n?v?l v??i?nt th? D?ck B?s?? M?lti R?l? H?lic??t?? (DBMRH). This ???tn??shi? will inv?lv? ?n? ?tiliz? th? In?i?n D???nc? m?n???ct??in? ?c?s?st?m within In?i?”.

M?. F??nck S???? s?i?: “Th? c???ti?n ?? this n?w j?int v?nt??? m??ks ? t??nin? ??int in ??? ??l?ti?nshi? with HAL ?n? th? In?i?n M?D with th? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? ?????cti?n ?? ? n?w ??n???ti?n ?? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?. W? ??? ????? t? ???th?? ?x??n? ??? st??ct??in? ???tn??shi? with HAL, which ????n m??? th?n 50 ????s ???, ?n? which w?s ??c?ntl? ill?st??t?? with th? ??v?l??m?nt ?n? ?????cti?n ?? th? Sh?kti ?n?in? ?n? th? in??????ti?n ?? ??? j?int v?nt??? H?lic??t?? En?in?s MRO Pvt Limit?? (HE-MRO). With ? ?l??t ?? ?v?? 1,000 ?n?in?s, In?i?’s A?m?? F??c?s ??? ?n? ?? th? l????st ?????t??s ?? S????n-??si?n?? h?lic??t?? ?n?in?s”.



This M?U ??m?nst??t?s ?nc? ???in th? c?mmitm?nt ?? ??th S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s ?n? HAL t? th? In?i?n G?v??nm?nt’s visi?n ?? “Atm?ni??h?? Bh???t”, ?? ?chi?vin? s?l?-??li?nc? – ???tic?l??l? in ????nc? t?chn?l??i?s. S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s ?n? HAL h?v? ?l????? m?lti?l? ???tn??shi?s, incl??in? th? Sh?kti ?n?in?, which ??w??s HAL-?????c?? h?lic??t??s, incl??in? th? Dh??v, R???? ?n? th? Li?ht C?m??t H?lic??t?? (LCH). Th? A??i??n 1U v??i?nt ?ls? ??w??s th? n?w Li?ht Utilit? H?lic??t?? (LUH). M??? th?n 500 Sh?kti ?n?in?s h?v? ?l????? ???n ?????c??. Th????h HE-MRO j?int v?nt??? in G??, S????n H?lic??t?? En?in?s ?n? HAL will ?ls? ???vi?? MRO (M?int?n?nc?, R???i? ?n? Ov??h??l) s??vic?s ??? TM333 ?n? Sh?kti ?n?in?s in s??vic? with In?i?n A?m?? F??c?s. It will ?? ?????ti?n?l ?? th? ?n? ?? 2023.

S???c?: htt?s://milit???l??k.c?m/