When we adopt a puppy we always think that we are saving its life, but in fact, they come to save us and show us, true love. Not only to save us emotionally but to become true heroes where they often prevent misfortune by alerting us that something bad is happening.

This is the story of Bravo, a street dog who found a second chance after being adopted by Shesh Sarangdhar, a 38-year-old man who loves animals.

Many dogs are waiting to be rescued.

The man runs an information technology company, lives with his pregnant wife and four puppies that he adopted in March 2021. Among them is Bravo, who ended up saving their lives by alerting them to a fire at his residence in Greater Noida, India.

The incident occurred while the owners of the house were sleeping. However, the constant barking and kicking on the bedroom door eventually woke him up. Shesh Sarangdhar commented on this:

“I was annoyed by Bravo’s constant barking and knocking on our bedroom door. When I opened it to see what happened, I found that the whole house was filled with smoke.”

The man quickly went to the kitchen located on the first floor, where the smoke was coming from.

Although he could hardly see anything because of the smoke, he started to put out the fire with a few buckets of water.

Shesh is infinitely grateful that his beautiful hairball alerts him , otherwise the story would have a different ending.

“It was a difficult escape for us because if Bravo hadn’t raised the alarm at the last minute, the smoke would have also infiltrated our rooms and hurt us while we were sleeping.”

Shesh recalled that the four puppies love to nap on the terrace, but on the day of the accident only Bravo was awake and in the lower part of the house. His instinct ended up saving them. The man managed to put out the fire by himself, so it was not necessary to call the fire department.

Shortly afterward he learned that his wife had left a pan of olive oil in the oven and had forgotten to take it out. This is how the fire started, fortunately, it didn’t become bigger thanks to Bravo alerting them in time.

Bravo has become a hero.

When the NGO coordinator Dhuan Foundation of the animal shelter where Shesh is actively involved found out what Bravo had done, she said that it is an example of how brave and intelligent rescued dogs are. In that sense, he pointed out:

“In our society, we often despise street dogs, but this story honestly shows how sensitive and alert puppies are. Shesh is part of our group of animal lovers, when we learned about the incident, the story hit all animal lovers. “

Bravo is one of the many abandoned dogs that found a second chance thanks to the love of his new parents. A beautiful puppy who saved the life of the one who saved him a few months ago.

Why buy when there are so many abandoned dogs that need homes? Embrace and transform a life.