The United States аrmу receives cold weather all-terrain vehicles (CATVs) from BAE Systems.

The United States аrmу receives cold weather all-terrain vehicles (CATVs) from BAE Systems.

Fiv? C?l? W??t??? All-T????in V??icl?s (CATVs) ??v? ???n ??liv???? t? t?? U.S. A?m? 11t? Ai????n? Divisi?n ?t F??t W?inw?i??t, Al?sk?. T?? i??? t? ?s? sn?wm??il?s in t?? int??im c?m? ???m t?? C?n??i?n A?m?? F??c?s. T?? 11t? Ai????n? ??s ? C?n??i?n ????t? c?mm?n?in? ??n???l ?? ?????ti?ns ?s ???t ?? ?n int??n?ti?n?l ???tn??s?i?.T?? ????ns? ???lic?ti?n J?n?s ?????t?? t??t ?s t?? 11t? Ai????n? ???s?s ??t t?? ???in? sm?ll ?nit s?????t v??icl?s (SUSVs), it is ???in? tw? sn?wm??il?s ??? c?m??n? ?ntil its CATVs ??? ??liv????. BAE S?st?ms ??liv???? t?? ?i?st tw? CATVs t? t?? ??m? ??? t?stin? ???li?? in t?? ?????l s?mm??. T?? l?st t???? w??? ??liv???? ?? t?? ?n? ?? t?? ?isc?l ???? (FY). T?? US A?m?’s CATVs – n?n-??m????? v??i?nts ?? BAE S?st?ms’ BvS10 B??w?l? – ??? ?t F??t W?inw?i??t’s N??t???n W?????? T??inin? C?nt?? (NWTC) ??? ?????t?? t??inin? ?n? t?stin?.

B??w?l? is ??ilt ?? BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s in n??t???n Sw???n, ???in? ?i?st??n? ?x???i?nc? in ?????tin? in ?n ??ctic ?nvi??nm?nt. T?? ?l?t???m incl???s s?v???l k?? c?m??n?nts ???m U.S. s???li??s, s?c? ?s its ?n?in?, t??nsmissi?n, ?n? ??????lic s?st?m. T?? C?l? W??t??? All-T????in V??icl? (CATV) ??????m will ???l?c? t?? l???c? ?l??t ?? Sm?ll Unit S?????t V??icl?s (SUSVs), ?ls? ??ilt ?? BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s, ?n? kn?wn int??n?ti?n?ll? ?s t?? BV206. T?? BV206 ??s ???n in s??vic? ?l???ll?, incl??in? wit? t?? U.S. A?m?? F??c?s, sinc? t?? ???l? 1980s. On 22 A???st 2022, BAE S?st?ms ?n? D????tm?nt ?? D???ns? ?nn??nc?? ? $278 Milli?n ??ll?? ?ix??-??ic? c?nt??ct incl??in? s???? ???ts ?n? c?nt??ct?? l??istics s?????t t? ???c??? 163 v??icl?s ??liv???? ?? 2029 ??? t?? US A?m? C?l? W??t??? All-T????in V??icl? (CATV) ??????m.

BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s BVS10 B??w?l? ?ll t????in ??m????? v??icl?BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s BVS10 B??w?l? ?ll t????in ??m????? v??icl?. (P??t? ?? BAE S?st?ms)T?? C?l? W??t??? All-T????in V??icl? (CATV) will ?tiliz? c?m??n?nts ???m US s???li??s ??? its ?n?in?s, t??nsmissi?n, ?n? ??????lics. T?? B??w?l? will ???l?c? t?? c????nt Hä??l?n?s B?n?v??n 206 (Bv 206) ??s?? Sm?ll Unit S?????t V??icl?s (SUSV) ???m BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s in ?s? ?? t?? US A?m? sinc? t?? 1980s. B??w?l? is ?n ?n??m????, t??ck??, ?n? ?i??l? v??s?til? v??icl? ??? c????in? ???s?nn?l ?n? ? v??i?t? ?? ???l???s in ?it??? ?? its tw? c?m???tm?nts. B??w?l? c?n t??v??s? sn?w, ic?, ??ck, s?n?, m??, ?n? sw?m? c?n?iti?ns, ?n? c?n ?????t? in st??? m??nt?in ?nvi??nm?nts. Its ?m??i?i??s ???t??? ?ls? ?ll?ws it t? swim in ?l????? ????s ?? c??st?l w?t??s. B??w?l?’s ??tic?l?t?? m??ilit? s?st?m is k?? t? its ????ctiv?n?ss, ???vi?in? ??tіm?l m?n??v????ilit? ?c??ss v???in? s????c?s.

Its m???l?? ??si?n c?n ?? ??c?n?i????? ??? m?lti?l? missi?ns, s?c? ?s l??istic?l s?????t, ?is?st?? ?n? ??m?nit??i?n ??li??, s???c? ?n? ??sc??, ?n? ?t??? missi?ns ?s ????i???. Its l???? wіп??ws ?n? s??ci??s c??in m?k? B??w?l? s?it??l? t? t?? t?sks ??? t?? CATV ??????m, incl??in? s???c? ?n? ??sc??, ????ns? s?????t t? civili?n ??t???iti?s, ?n? ??m?l?n? ????ns?. Its m????n, c?mm??ci?l ??si?n ?ns???s s?l?i??s’ ?????ti?n?l ????ctiv?n?ss in ?x?c?tin? ? wi?? v??i?t? ?? ?i??ic?lt missi?ns.B??w?l? s?cc?ss??ll? c?m?l?t?? t?? ???t?t??? ?v?l??ti?n ???s? ?? t?? CATV ??????m ???li?? t?is ???? in Al?sk?. It ??????m?? in m?lti?l? t?sks w?il? ??m?inin? ??ll? missi?n c????l?. T?? t?stin? incl???? ?m??i?i??s ?????ti?ns, n?vi??tin? t????in wit? v???in? l?v?ls ?? c?m?l?xit?, st??tin? ?n? ?????tin? in ?xt??m? c?l? w??t???, ?n? m?st c?itic?ll?, ?s?? ?ss?ssm?nt ?? s?l?i??s.

BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s BVS10 B??w?l? ?ll t????in ??m????? v??icl?BAE S?st?ms Hä??l?n?s BVS10 B??w?l? ?ll t????in ??m????? v??icl?. (P??t? ?? BAE S?st?ms)