UH-72A Lakota light utility helicopter is used mainly for logistics and support missions

UH-72A Lakota light utility helicopter is used mainly for logistics and support missions


Th? UH-72A L?k?t? is th? US A?m?’s li?ht ?tilit? h?lic??t??, n?m?? ??t?? ? N?tiv? Am??ic?n t?i??. It is in lin? with th? US A?m?’s t???iti?n ?? ?ivin? its h?lic??t??s In?i?n n?m?s. Th? L?k?t? is ? milit??? v??si?n ?? th? E???c??t?? EC145. Th?s? H?lic??t??s w??? m?n???ct???? ?? Am??ic?n E???c??t??. It ???l?c? th? ?l??? UH-1H I?????is ?n? OH-58C Ki?w? h?lic??t??s. Th? L?k?t? h?lic??t??s ??? ?s?? insi?? th? USA ?nl?, s?????tin? h?m?l?n? s?c??it?, ?is?st?? ??li?? ?n? l?w ?n???c?m?nt ?????ti?ns. Th? ?i?st UH-72 L?k?t? w?s ??liv???? t? th? US A?m? in 2006. D?liv??i?s ?? initi?l ?i?ht h?lic??t??s w??? c?m?l?t?? in 2007. L?t?? m??? h?lic??t??s w??? ??????? ?n? ? ??ll-??t? ?????cti?n w?s ??th??iz??. Th? US A?m?’s ????i??m?nt w?s ??? ? t?t?l ?? 345 h?lic??t??s. Th? m?j??it? ?? UH-72A L?k?t? h?lic??t??s w??? ??liv???? t? th? A?m? N?ti?n?l G????. Fiv? ?? th?s? h?lic??t??s w??? ??????? ?? th? US N?v?.

Th? UH-72A L?k?t? h?lic??t?? is ?n??m??. It is ?s?? m?inl? ??? l??istics ?n? s?????t missi?ns in n?n-c?m??t ?nvi??nm?nts. It c?n ?ls? ??????m m??ic?l ?v?c??ti?ns ?n? ???s?nn?l ??c?v??? t?sks.

This h?lic??t?? h?s ? ???l??? c???cit? ?? 1 790 k?. It c?n ?ls? c???? ? m?xim?m ?n???sl?n? l??? ?? 1 500 k?. Th? L?k?t? h?s ? c??w ?? tw? ?n? c?n ?cc?mm???t? ?? t? 8 t????s. Alt??n?tiv?l? it c?n c???? tw? st??tch??s ?n? m??ic?l ?tt?n??nts.

H?lic??t?? is ??w???? ?? tw? T????m?c? A??i?l 1E2 t????sh??t ?n?in?s. Th? UH-72A c?n ?l? in ?n?-?n?in?-in??????l? m???. Oth?? s???t? ???t???s incl??? ? c??shw??th? ?i????m? ?n? s??ts.

An ??m?? sc??t v??si?n ?? th? UH-72 w?s ?????s?? ??? th? US A?m?, ?s ? ???l?c?m?nt t? th? OH-58D Ki?w? W???i??. H?w?v?? it ??c?iv?? n? ?????cti?n ?????s.

S???c?: htt?://www.milit???-t????.c?m/h?lic??t??s/?h72?_l?k?t?.htm