Why was the CH-21 Shawnee designed with such a banana shape?

Why was the CH-21 Shawnee designed with such a banana shape?

Its ?n?s??l sh??? m??? it kn?wn ?s “th? ?l?in? ??n?n?”. An? ??si?n?? ??? ? ?????s?.

Sinc? W??l? ധąɾ II, n?w milit??? ??ct?in? ?m?h?siz?s ?l?xi?ilit? ?n th? ??ttl??i?l?, h?lic??t??s h?v? ???n ??v?l???? ?s ? m?lti-??l? c?m??t v?hicl? th?t c?n ?????t? in c?m?l?x t????in. Th? H-21 w?s ??i?l? ???l? t?n??m-??t?? h?lic??t?? ???m th? 1950s. Its ?n?s??l sh??? m??? it kn?wn ?s “th? ?l?in? ??n?n?”. An? ??si?n?? ??? ? ?????s?.

Th? ??n?n? sh??? c?m? ???m Pi?s?cki’s ?tt?m?ts t? st???mlin? th? h?lic??t?? ??? ??tt?? c??isin? ??????m?nc?. Whil? ??stin? ?n th? ????n?, th? n?s? ?n? c??in ??? inclin?? with ? n?s?-?? ?ttit???. An? th? ?n?in? ?n? m?in ???? ??? l?c?t?? wh??? th? h?lic??t?? is ??nt ?t ?n inclin? t? th? ????. Th? ??t??s ??? n???l? ?t th? s?m? h?i?ht ?n? ??i?nt?ti?n with this ????n??m?nt s? th? h?lic??t?? will h?v?? with this ?ttit???.

In ???w??? ?li?ht, th? h?lic??t?? m?st n?s? ??wn t? t??ns???m s?m? ?? its v??tic?l li?t int? h??iz?nt?l th??st. N?w th?nks t? th? ??n?n? sh???, th? c??in is m?ch m??? l?v?l with th? ????n? ??? st???mlinin? ?n? c?m???t ???in? l?n? c??is?s. Th? ??t ??t?? ?ls? ?is?s hi?h?? th?n th? ???nt ??t?? t? ?v?i? its t????l?nt ??t?? w?sh.

V??tic?l t?il ?ins w??? sit??t?? ??t????? ?? th? ???? m?in ??t?? ??siti?n. Int??n?ll?, th? H-21 w?s c??w?? ?? tw? in th? c?ck?it ?n? h?l? s??c? ??? ?? t? 20 ??ll?-l???n c?m??t t????s ?? ?? t? tw?lv? m??ic?l litt??s with ?cc?m??n?in? m??ic?l st???. P?????m?nc? incl???? ? m?xim?m s???? ?v?? 130 mil?s ??? h??? ?n? ? ??n?? ??t t? 400 mil?s.

P????cti?n ?? H-21s s??nn?? ???m 1952 ?ntil 1959 ?n? th?i? ?????ti?n?l s??vic? ??n int? 1967. B???n? th? Unit?? St?t?s ?n? C?n???, ?l???l ?????t??s incl???? F??nc?, W?st G??m?n?, J???n, ?n? Sw???n. Th? F??nch ???ss?? th?i? H-21C m???ls int? c?m??t s??vic? ???in? th? Al???i?n ധąɾ in th? ??nshi? ??l?, ??m?? with ??ck?ts ?n? m?chin? ??ns. N?v??th?l?ss th? h?lic??t?? c?ntin??? ?n in its ?iv?n t??ns???t ??l?s th????h t? th? ?n? ?? th? F??nch c?mmitm?nt.

Am??ic?n H-21s w??? ???l???? ???in? th? Vi?tn?m ധąɾ ???m D?c?m??? 1961 ?n, ?n? th?s? w??? t??ic?ll? ??m?? th????h t??in??l? m?chin? ??ns ?? 7.62mm ?n? 12.7mm c?li??? ??? ????nsiv? ?????s?s. H?w?v??, th?i? s??vic? in th? ¢σиƒℓι¢т w?s ??l?tiv?l? sh??t-liv?? ?s th? lin? w?s s????s???? in its ?v??-??ttl??i?l? ??l?s ?? th? n?w B?ll UH-1 “H???” ?n? B??in? CH-47 “Chin??k” s??i?s h?lic??t??s. Th? ωαя sh?wc?s?? s?v???l ???ici?nci?s in th? H-21 ??si?n – sl?w ??????m?nc? ?n? s?sc??ti?ilit? t? ????n? ?i?? ?s w?ll ?s ??l?w ?v????? h?t w??th?? ?????ti?n. Th?i? s??vic?s in th? ωαя w?s ????tl? ????c?? ???m 1964 ?n.

M??? st??? ?n? ??v?l??m?nt ?? t?n??m-??t?? h?lic??t??s l?? t? th? ch?n??s th?t ??? ???s?nt in t????’s t?n??ms, lik? th? ??m??s CH-47 Chin??k. It still h?v??s with ? n?s?-hi?h ?ttit???, ??t th? ??n?n? sh??? h?s ???n ?limin?t?? sinc? th? c??in ??ns th? l?n?th ?? th? h?lic??t?? ?n? sinc? th? ?n?in?s ??? m??nt?? ?xt??n?ll? in th? ????. An? th? v??tic?l ??t?? s?????ti?n is ?chi?v?? ?? m?kin? th? ???? ?n? ??t ??t?? m?sts ?i?????nt h?i?hts.

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